Hi Year 8.
Your task today is to research the history of an early film projection method and answer the following questions in your book.
Thomas Edison
1. When was the kinetoscope first used?
2. Describe how the kinetoscope works.
Star Wars
1. What are some of the sound effects in star wars made from?
2. How does the choice of "natural" sounds reflect the scenes and/or intentions of the film makers?
3. List the different people involved in the making of a soundtrack. Give a brief description of each job.
4. How was the "Light saber" sound created?
1. research one other early film projector.
a.) Name
b.) Inventor
c.) Date first used.
d.) popular/not.
2. research a popular silent film.
a.) Written by....
b.) First seen....
c.) Main actors.....
3. Listen to the theme from Top Gun on youtube and research a trailer for the film so you can begin to understand the plot. We will be watching scenes from this film next time.
4. Research the film 'Tomb Raider' and see if you can find a trailer for the film.
a.) What genre of film is this?
b.) What style of music would you expect to hear in this film?
c.) Who are the main characters in the film.
d.) Who wrote the music for the film?
e.) What are some of the titles of songs/music in the movie?
Don't forge to bring your work next period.
We will discuss your answers next lesson.
Mr B.