Friday, 19 September 2008

Year 8 Music - 19/9/08



Using the links about guitar, and your own research, you need to complete the following task.

  1. Open a slideshow in Neooffice.
  2. Goto FILE - NEW - Slideshow.
  3. Use images and simple language that a kid in year 3 could understand to show how the guitar has developed over the years.
  4. Start with the earliest versions of a guitar you can find and work forward to the guitars of today.
  5. Include details of what changed from each different guitar to the next in simple language or pictures.
Save your work with each person in your groups names as the title to my USB that will be provided.

Have Fun, Mr B.

Year 7 Keyboard - 19/9/08

Use the links on the right of screen to create a history of the piano.

You have the following options:

Create a slideshow using NEOOFFICE (look for the ship in the application bar at the bottom of the screen like this one)

TASK: Create a powerpoint or word doc showing a brief history of the keyboard for a YEAR 1 class to watch and learn from. You need to use simple words that a 6 yr old can read and understand. Use pictures more than words. Include one famous player of the keyboard from any time in history.

Good Luck, Mr B.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

HEARING - Safety Lesson

Hearing loss in western society is tipped to be a major issue in the next 10 to 20 years and you people are the likely victims of this injury.
Complete the questions using the links in the blog to help you.

1. What happens to the “Hair Cells” if they are exposed to loud noises for a long time?
2. Describe or drawer the safest/most effective type of headphones for using in noisy areas.
3. How often should you take a break from listening to your mp3 player?
4. List some ways you can ensure you maintain safe listening practices.
5. What are some areas at school that you can identify that may cause hearing damage?
6. What measures can you take to make sure you do not suffer hearing loss when learning in those areas?
7. What is Tinnitus?
8. What things that you do now would be hard to do if you had tinnitus? Why?
9. Go to the link HEARING LOSS AND MP3 PLAYERS. Can you identify with any of the experiences in this article? If so describe your experience.
10. What are some practical things you can change in the way you listen to music to help you avoid hearing loss?

Enjoy! Mr B.

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Work for year 8 3 Sep 2008

Watch this....

Enjoy! Mr B.

Monday, 1 September 2008

Recording compositions

Hi Elective students,

This week you need to start thinking about recording our pieces for the assessment task. Even if you have only chords etc you can record them and put the vocals in later. If you are doing a solo piano piece see me and I will get you to play it into the computer and create a score. Make sure you can play with a beat for the recording.

If you need help recording using the computer see me or another stuident who has done it. I CANNOT SUPERVISE EVERY STUDENTS RECORDING AS THERE ARE 50 ELECTIVE MUSIC STUDENTS THIS YEAR. you need to take on the task of learning how to do a basic recording.

There is a link list on this blog for Garage Band recording instructions and I will put some up for Acid Pro 6/Express.

Enjoy! Mr B.