Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Christmas Carols

Hi Elective Music (Yr 10)

I have found a site with pdf's of christmas carol music for you to download and use.

Please work on your own arrangements and practice for a recording in week 3 & 4 (6 &7 if you want to as well).

I may be on msn (stagnesmusic@hotmail.com) over the next few weeks if you are working from home.

Enjoy! Mr B.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008


Hi Music WHITE.

Your work is due in TODAY. If it is not in my email or hand first thing tomorrow morning (15th Oct08) then you will loose 10% for 1 day late.
30% for Friday
60% for Monday
100% Tuesday.

You still must hand me something or you may become eligable for an N award for your school certificate next year. Just get the thing done. You should have seen me today if you needed an extension granted so there should be no one who needs one.

Enjoy! Mr B.