Monday, 10 November 2008

A short explanation of Bugling on Remembrance day

The Meaning Of The Bugle Calls

Many young people are mystified by bugle calls on Anzac Day
and Remembrance Day.
For this reason it has been suggested that the meaning
behind these calls is explained.

During the service there will be two bugle calls.
The first is the “Last Post”.

"Last Post" is the call sounded at 10pm each evening to inform
the soldiers that they should be inside their quarters for the night.
It signified the end of the day's activities and ushers in a period of
rest and quietness.
It is sounded at military funerals and commemorative
services to indicate that the soldier has completed his life's
work and has entered into his rest.

The second, following the reading of the Ode, and the
two minutes silence, is “Reveille”.

"Reveille" is the trumpet or bugle call sounded in all military
barracks and camps first thing in the morning to awaken
the soldiers and tell them to get up and dress.
It is also sounded at military funerals and
commemorative services to signify the resurrection
of the body after death and the awakening of
the soul into a new life.

Enjoy! Mr B.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Year 10 2009

I am interested to here what you would like to do next year in elective music. From memory I think that there are only about 14 students so I am hoping to go outside the school a bit more this year as we have a smaller group.
Please email or reply here with suggestions of stuff you would like to do next year...

Enjoy! Mr B.


ahhh.... they are gone.

Congratulations on surviving year 10 music, hope you had fun and learned a few things about music and yourselves along the way.
I wish all of you the best for the future and hope that you keep making and listening to music into the future. Feel free to use this site into the future and leave a comment now and then. Remember you are always welcome back for a visit.
Hope to see you at the musical performances next year!!!!

I must say that you guys were mostly a pleasure to work with over the year (2 for some of you) and I hope we meet again in the future.

Enjoy! Mr B.

Monday, 3 November 2008


Hello Year 10.

I will be completing your school certificate assessment marks by tuesday, if you have not handed in any assessments that are outstanding you will recieve no marks for those assessments. This will also be reflected in your comments. Don't forget, your report will follow you for the rest of your life so get something to me to mark.

ONLY 5 DAYS to go!!!!

Enjoy! Mr B.