Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Film Music - Summary

Hi Year 8,
For your next unit on Film Music you can refer to this summary I made up. Ensure you use this to help you analyse and create film music. Good luck.
Enjoy! Mr B.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Year 8 Wednesday 21st October

Hi Year 8,

Sorry I can't be there today to teach you. You guys can spend some time writing and recording a commercial for a guitar.

Use images from the web and pictures you can take and put them all into imovie and make a short commercial. You should be able to record your voice over the pictures as they play so think up a good sales pitch. Don't spend too much time choosing pictures as this will leave no time to complete the projects!!!
Make sure that you work in groups of about 2 or 3 and that you are getting the job done.

Keep it short, no more than 30 seconds and make sure you include some information about:

  1. The parts of the guitar
  2. How to change the sound of the guitar - strumming, tone volume knobs etc.
  3. The price of a guitar - beginner to professional.
Save your work to the USB in my drawer (the one with the blue neck strap attached) with your names and class details as the file name.

Enjoy! Mr B.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

YEAR 7 - Parts of the drum kit.

Hi everyone. Please complete the worksheets that you should have in class.

Enjoy! Mr B.